7 best Passive Income Ideas to earn $1000 per month
No. 1 passive income idea : MERCH ON DEMAND
Merch on Demand is a print-on-demand service offered by Amazon that allows you to make passive income selling branded products that are created by you. And the way it works is simple. You create your designs, and then you upload them onto products like shirts, hoodies, phone cases, mugs, and more. Amazon will then sell those products directly on Amazon.com, and you’ll earn a royalty for every single product sold. And getting started is actually super simple.
You’ll simply go to the merchandise on demand page and then tap right here to request a spot. Once approved, all you have to do is upload your designs, choose your products, and set competitive prices. And even if you don’t know how to create designs, you can use sites like Creative Market or free websites like Raw Pixel to find pre-made designs that you can then use on your products. Or you can use AI tools like Mid-Journey to create designs for you.
And what’s even better is that, like with any print-on-demand service, Amazon handles everything for you. The printing, the shipping, everything. Many people have reported earning anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per month by selling products designed for merchandise on Amazon. And so this is a really great website that you can use to start making some really great money. Merch on demand is best passive income ideas in 2024.
No. 2 passive income idea : PROMPTBASE
Next up, we have another AI money-making opportunity. And that is writing books with AI and selling them on sites like Amazon using Kindle Direct Publishing. Now, normally, writing a book can take several months or even several years to accomplish. Not to mention having to try and find a publisher who’s willing to put your book in the hands of others.
Yet here we are in the modern age with AI, and we can create books within days with tools like ChatcheapieT, Copy AI, or Jasper. With Copy AI or Jasper, you are guaranteed unique content, and they even come up with anti-plagiarism tools to ensure that your work is 100% original. And then, once the books are created, you can sell them on Amazon using Kindle Direct Publishing.
You can also use a tool like Blurb, which will help you design the book inside and out. But now it’s time for the real question. How much money can you actually make selling AI-generated books on Amazon? Now, obviously, this all depends on a lot of different factors. But people have reported earning anywhere from a couple of thousand dollars all the way up to six figures. There really is no limit to how much money you can make. Plus, with the help of AI, there’s very little work that you actually have to do.
And for this reason, I’ll give this a six out of 10. Now, since we’re on the subject of AI, I might as well tell you about a website called Promptbase. Promptbase is a site that allows you to sell different books. AI prompts you to earn passive income. You can sell prompts for different AIs, including Mid-Journey, ChatTPT, and Dolly, just to name a few. And getting started is incredibly simple. Simply head over to promptbase.com, tap right here on sell prompts, and then sign up using your email and password.
This is definitely a brand new website because AI in its current form is still brand new. And so it’s really hard to say right now how much money you can expect to make with this website. But if we look at a site like Etsy, where you can also sell these prompts, you can see that people are getting tens of thousands of sales. And these sales translate into tens of thousands and potentially even hundreds of thousands of dollars in earned income.
And if you’re already doing something like creating AI books or AI artwork, then you might as well make even more money by selling the prompts that you’re using to make the books or the artwork on a site like promptbase. So I think this is an amazing idea that’s still really early in its inception, and I think that it has a ton of potential. It’s a good way for online passive income.
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No. 3 passive income idea : LOW CONTENT BOOK
Low-content books are very popular on sites like Amazon. Low-content books are things like journals, coloring books, crossword puzzles, and things like this. And it’s actually very easy to make low-content books because you could either use an AI tool like Mid-Journey to create coloring pages and designs for you or you could use a dedicated tool like BookBolt that is specifically designed for helping you create low-content books.
And then, once you’ve actually made the books, you can use a service like Amazon KDP, which allows you to self-publish your books on Amazon. And they’ll even print your books out for you. And because your books will be on Amazon, you’ll have the potential to reach millions of people. Now there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to creating low-content books that sell. Now, how much money you can make selling low-content books varies.
Some people only earn a couple of dollars per month, and others can earn as much as $10,000 or more per month. It really all depends on how much effort you put into this. And so, without a doubt, there is a lot of potential here. So it’s a best Passive income ideas to earn $1000 in a month.
No.4 website : GURU
So you’ve probably heard of freelance sites like Upwork and Fiverr. But there’s actually another site that can open up even more opportunities for you, and that website is guru.com.
Guru.com has freelancing opportunities for a variety of work, and it works very similar to other freelancing websites out there. You can search for jobs and actively submit proposals, but you also have a profile so that people can hire you directly.And signing up is both free and easy, and once you’re signed up, you can begin looking for jobs right away. Now, making money on Guru is all up to you. It’s up to you to find the jobs.
It’s up to you to build a good reputation and a profile on the website, and just keep improving your skills. And I’m sure that some of you have heard my story. So I started off as a freelance web developer on Upwork, and my first job ever only paid me $5. But in that exact year, I ended up making close to $80,000 in income. And I did this by increasing my skills and knowledge. bidding on a ton of jobs and getting more work than I could handle from client referrals alone.
And so how much money can you actually make with a website like this and other similar websites like Upwork? Well, I can tell you from my personal experience that it’s not unusual to make anywhere between $50,000 and $100,000 per year providing various freelancing services. And the good thing is that, despite the name, you don’t actually have to be a guru at anything to make a lot of money with this website.
No.6 passive income idea : TUTOR
Now if you have even a little bit of knowledge when it comes to things like Photoshop or Microsoft Word, or perhaps you’ve got perfect grades in chemistry in high school, or maybe Spanish is your second language or English is your first language—in other words, if you know something about anything, you can take what you know and start making money with it on a website called Wyzant.
Wyzant is the nation’s largest network of tutors, and you can make life-changing money by teaching others the very skills that are second nature to you. Things like using Photoshop and even basic computer knowledge are all paying up to $100 per hour. Take this tutor right here, for example, Bob P. He charges $150 an hour to teach Microsoft Word and has over 9,211 tutoring hours.
And so if we were to multiply his hourly rate by his total tutoring hours, this means he has earned over $1.33 million on this passive income website. This person right here has over 13,000 tutoring hours, and all they’re doing is teaching simple, basic reading to preschool kids. And at $70 per hour, this means they’ve almost earned $1 million. You can even teach subjects like music and writing on Wizen, earning anywhere from $35 to $400 an hour.
Lessons always take place online in the digital classroom, and you are promptly paid after reporting your hours to Wizen. And so, how much money you can make from this website can be anywhere from a few thousand dollars to a few million dollars, depending on what subjects you teach and how often you teach them. And so this is seriously an amazing opportunity to start earning some really good money, either on the side or as a full-time gig. So, it’s a real and genuine online passive income ideas.
With the recent popularity of AI, selling art has taken on a whole new level. And with this next money-making opportunity, you can make upwards of $5,000, $10,000, or more per month. By using an AI site like Mid-Journey, you can create high-quality, original works of art and sell your designs as digital prints on sites like Etsy.
And you don’t even have to be an artist to start making money with this. And there are already Etsy shops that are doing this and making tens of thousands of dollars per month with it. And as a bonus, once you’ve started selling the digital prints successfully, you can then offer to sell the prints as actual physical prints, and you can just use a print-on-demand service to fulfill the orders for you.
And if you were just to spend a little bit of time using AI to create the artwork for you, it wouldn’t be crazy for you to make as much as $1,000 per month, or potentially even $10,000 per month or more, like a lot of people are already doing. because this is so simple to start, doesn’t require much work at all, and has the potential to make you some truly life-changing money.
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